Sunday Church Service

Every Sunday morning @ 10:00am

Tarrytown church, 190 Benedict Ave

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning @ 10:00am

Tarrytown church, 190 Benedict Ave

Wednesday Evening Meeting

Every Wednesday night @ 7:30pm

Tarrytown church, 190 Benedict Ave


Spiritual Solutions for Today’s Challenges

There’s a spiritual solution to every problem
We created this radio series just for you

With all the challenges today, sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn for help. There are so many different opinions about how to solve any given problem.

But the real solutions are always spiritual. It’s about getting to know God better, feeling His/Her presence and love, listening for and trusting God’s guidance.

In order to give you some encouraging and helpful ideas on how to meet the challenges of the day, several Christian Science churches in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut will sponsor this Radio Lecture series.

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